In Review - Insanity Day 19 (Late Post)

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Yesterday's Workout Description: Cardio Power & Resistance
Tomorrow's Workout: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
What's different: Switched around my rest day.
Date of yesterday's workout: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Intense Cardio

So, I'm posting this late. Sue me! Haha! I ended up doing this so late last night as I was working on a project that I've already recieved payment for that I finished it, did Insanity, and went directly to bed way past my bed time! Typing this a day later, I'm still feeling it which is why I'm switching my rest day to today (7/29) and doing today's assigned workout, Plyo Cardio Circuit, tomorrow. Life happens!

That said (back tracking to late night last night), this workout is so magical! I still found myself drenched in sweat thoughout this workout, and by the end, I was pleading for mercy, probably because I did it so late! In fact, you all know how I was begging in the past for more of the 8 hops/8 pushup series? Well, I'd actually forgotten about that, and saw my life flash before my eyes (and it looked quite nice if I may toot my own horn, haha) when it came!

The ending stretch was so worth it and I definitely felt it in my hip flexors today! I hate that I'm subjecting myself to Plyo Cardio, my least favorite, on my day off tomorrow, but alas, my body is crying for sleep, and I'm going to indulge. I will say that it was much easier to do this workout this time around, considering the factors at work against me.

Insanitometer Rating: 8 out of 10.

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