I Don't Think That's It.

Larry Filed Under:
I'm surpised I have a connection right now. I'm uplugging my router every time I wanna hit submit to a page. In fact, this is now the FIFTH time I've typed this and I hope when I hit publish, it goes thru. I don't know what the issue with the net is, but I'm working on it. I don't think it was the firmware.

~ Larry.

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That Old Familiar Place...

Larry Filed Under:
Here we are again. That old familiar place--you know the place. The place where I'm having a ton of internet problems. My firmware has to be updated and I'll have to wait until tomorrow to do so when the company is open. So rather than type this post AGAIN reviewing the workout, I'll hit you guys with two posts tomorrow.

~ Larry.

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In Review - Insanity Day 38

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Max Recovery
Tomorrow's Workout: Max Interval Circuit
Date of today's workout: Monday, August 17, 2009
Duration: About 45 Mins
Type: Flexibility & Yoga

Maybe Shaun missed the memo regarding the word "recovery." Perhaps it's just not in his dictionary. Whatever the case, this wasn't "recovery" in the classical sense of the word. You actually had to work!

Perhaps the word of the day should be "BURN" because that's what you end up with at the end of this workout--a BURN that just won't quit! Perhaps the most challenging part of tonight's workout were the hi plank/low plank stands. Those things burn like NOBODY'S business!

All in all, now that I sit here typing this, my muscles are loose and limber, and I guess it was more recovery in this workout than I'd originally thought. What a shame too...cause I'd thought about him renaming this to Max Burn Recovery!

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 5 out of 10

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In Review - Insanity Day 37

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Max Cardio Conditioning
Tomorrow's Workout: Max Recovery
Date of today's workout: Sunday, August 16, 2009
Duration: About 45 Mins
Type: Non-stop Intense Cardio

Today's workout was honestly month two's version of "Pure Cardio." And out of all the workouts in month one, Pure Cardio was my favorite because you had the chance to go all out for it, and you'd look up and there were three minutes left.

I actually enjoyed this workout without feeling like I was dying. Now, I did sweat buckets and my metabolism revved, and about half way through I felt like I needed to pause, run, get a protein shake, and come back! There is definitely a lot more plank work than in month one and I'm sure my shoulders were burning so bad that I blacked out a few times (LOL), but other than that, this was almost a walk in the park comparitively.

This month it's virtually all mental and pushing your body past the point where it's screaming for rest because your muscles are burning. No longer am I taking 15 second rest periods due to the burn...I'll take 2-5 secs, and come back and hit it hard. It's about digging deeper, right?

I can say that I'm looking forward to Max Recovery, though.

Insanitometer Rating: 9 out of 10.

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In Review - Insanity Day 36

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Max Interval Plyo
Tomorrow's Workout: Max Cardio Conditioning
Date of today's workout: Saturday, August 15, 2009
Duration: 1 Hour
Type: Very High Intensity Cardio/Interval Training

Remember how I said that there was a very good chance that, upon entering this month, I'd actually be begging for Plyometric Cardio Circuit to return? Today would be that day! Plyometric Cardio Circuit would almost be my savior right now!

Max Interval Plyo is NOT A JOKE! This workout today is NOT for the faint of heart nor the weak of will! Instead, Shaun hits you with, what I presume is everything he has in this workout! I remember during P90X saying, "I didn't know this many variety of pushups actually existed!" There are few pushup variations that even Tony doesn't take you through that Shaun takes you through and takes NO PRISONERS!

I think the most challenging move today would have to be the Side Plank Pushups, not because they were difficult, but because there was so much to remember and pay careful attention to as to not injure yourself. Coming in at number two would be squat pushups. Essentially, you go down into a squat, tip forward controlled, go down to the floor still in squat, do a tricep pushup, and using your abs and triceps and a bit of gravity (which is working altogether against you) push yourself back up into the squat only to fall back forward and repeat. Coming in at #3 would have to be my arch nemesis: Level 3 Drills. Yes, level THREE! That is, you're doing sixteen pushups and then staying in plank running it out for sixteen repititions, only to jump up, say hello to your sanity, and jump back down and do it all over again! If you're wondering, yes, it's much harder than yesterday's workout!

To say that I am spent after this workout would be putting it mildly. I'm freaking dead, people. Dead.

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 10 out of 10

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Insanity - Month 2, Day 1 (In Review, Day 35)

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Fit Test; Max Interval Circuit
Tomorrow's Workout: Max Interval Plyo
Date of today's workout: Friday, August 14, 2009
Duration: about 30 mins; 1 Hour
Type: Very High Intensity Cardio/Interval Training

(Forewarning you, this will be a longer post because there's two things to talk about today!)

The Fit Test

I was determined to beat my numbers from last time! Normally, I leave behind my old numbers and just live in the moment, but this time I decided I wanted to compete with myself and I'm so glad that I did. It made me push harder! I brought my numbers with me to the workout and I crushed my old numbers! The good news is that third time around, this workout is MUCH easier than it was on Day 1! I wasn't winded or exhausted, nor did I have to take self-induced breaks to make it through this! In fact, I only went through like 12 oz of water (if that much). The results:

1. Switch Kicks: From 120 > To 162
2. Power Jacks: From 59 > To 80
3. Power Knees: From 105 > To 128
4. Power Jumps: From 30 > To 52
5. Globe Jumps: From 10 > To 14 (that's 16 more jumps than last time since four jumps equals one rotation)
6. Suicide Jumps: From 16 > To 20
7. Pushup Jacks: From 37 > To 43
8. Lo-Plank Obliques: From 62 > To 81

Max Interval Circuit

"I'm here to kick your butt! ...And I'm not playing!"

Those are some of the first words you hear Shaun utter as soon as you press play on the DVD. It's then you know that you'll probably die during the workout and wake up in the great beyond. In fact, I'm about 99% sure that I'm typing this from the "other side."

Kids, there's not ONE PART of my body (aside from my head) that I don't feel the results of this workout in! Everything from my calfs to my shoulders are screaming right now! To begin, I'd like to make this public service announcement: to all of those naysayers who are out there screaming, "Oh but Insanity is not as intense as it could be and I feel like it needs more blah blah blah," I certainly want to hear what you think on Day 1 of month two! What most people FAILED to realize is that month one is a foundational month. I predicted it (hey, I don't watch ahead any DVD because I enjoy the suspense/surprise). The purpose of month one was to get your body and mind ready to endure month two. Period. Compared to JUST TODAY, month 1 was a cakewalk!

That said, I don't know how many four letter words I let fly at Shaun today if I'm being honest! The warmup is TOTALLY different from month one to start. In fact, many of the "intense" moves that are a part of the workout itself during month one have been converted to the warmup now if that gives you any indication (e.g., "Hit Da Floor" is now part of your warmup, not your workout). To boot, when you finish the warm up, you still have more time left in the workout to come than in a typical workout from month one (after the stretch, there were still 42 mins. of workout ahead of you). You get slightly longer rest periods, but not always--rest periods range from 25-35 seconds.

By far the two demons of today's workout were the "Ski Abs/Pushup Jacks/In and Out Abs/Oblique Pushups" (yes, that's all ONE move...a culmination of ALL the moves you just read) and the Full Body Circuit (going to plank, doing a plank run, four moving pushups, and a wide oblique plank run). I've never hated Shaun more than I hated him while doing these moves, haha!

Every single part of your body will burn today and you will have to dig deeper and find out truthfully what you're made of! This is the time, this is the month to either get fit or get out! No excuses! Almost doesn't count! All or nothing! (Darn, I just ran out of cliches!) You get the picture. This is the month in which you'll see MIND BLOWING results. Period. 36 oz. of water, 8 oz. of a recovery drink, and 8 oz of a Shakeology later, I feel like a million dollar bill!

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 10 out of 10

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A Couple of Down Days...

Larry Filed Under:
I bet you're wondering, "Why the lack of updates here lately?" Well, when you've done the same workouts over a six day period, what can you say that already hasn't been said in day two of that workout?

I ran out of words! I've said everything there is to say about Core Cardio & Balance. Tomorrow, however, is the fit test and the first day of month two, and I will be blogging in great detail about that tomorrow.

Pray for me, guys, LOL!

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In Review - Insanity Day 31

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Core Cardio & Balance
Tomorrow's Workout: Core Cardio & Balance
Date of today's workout: Monday, August 10, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Light Cardio

Well, guys, despite my better judgment, I did tonight's workout. Still having an abundance of allergy and sinus problems, and I may altogether not do tomorrow's workout and just use it as a rest day and actually do a workout on my scheduled rest day.

That all said, I did this workout and I'm feeling relaxed and limber! Again, this won't be a long post because there's not a whole heck of a lot to say except SHOULDER BURNERS and core balance work! BURN CENTRAL!!! I could almost kill Shaun after the lifts and pulses!

Till Wednesday guys...gonna give myself a day off to get over this sinus/allergy stuff.

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 5 out of 10

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In Review - Insanity Day 30

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Core Cardio & Balance
Tomorrow's Workout: Core Cardio & Balance
Date of today's workout: Saturday, August 8, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Light Cardio

I feel like a million dollar bill at the end of this workout, I tell you!

This workout is all about balance! You either go very intense and kill yourself, or you listen to Shaun and go light and steady, let your heart rate climb, and you don't feel fatigued at the end, but you end up drenched and feeling FANTASTIC!

This won't be an excessively long blog; in fact, I'm ending it here as to not exhaust things to talk about the rest of the week as this workout is repeated literally every day this week.

I can say that I am recovering this week, honestly.

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 5 out of 10

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In Review - Insanity Day 29

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Core Cardio & Balance
Tomorrow's Workout: Core Cardio & Balance
Date of today's workout: Saturday, August 8, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Light Cardio

I missed my first day of recovery week yesterday because on Thursday I began feeling sick--there is that summer cold going around and I had a headache and stomach ache that just wouldn't quit on Thursday and Friday. I type this full of congestion, but I decided to do the workout anyhow.

Although my tank is completely soaked right now, if you do this workout like Shaun says and don't go too intense and overextert yourself, you'll get the right combination of burn without extreme fatigue. I know there are some of you crazies that say, "hey, I want to go full force the entire 60 days, so during recovery week, I'm gonna go all out on the workout and probably add a P90X workout, too." MISTAKE, guys.

There is a REASON why he has you doing very light cardio this week: if you've been following the workout regimen as prescribed, you've put a LOT of strain and stress on your body over the past 4 weeks, and the few days of Cardio Recovery is NOT ENOUGH for your body to properly recuperate. You risk getting sick and muscle injury/strain/damage if you overexert yourself in order to inflate your ego and do more. I know, you WANT to do more, but I advise against it. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY, guys.

Off my soap box, I got a good workout and look forward to tomorrow. I felt relaxed and accomplished after this workout and honestly look forward to tomorrow's.

Before I go today, I want to share something with you. I had a comment that I got good results, but not what people were expecting which is fine. To each his own. But I want to show you where I came from and where I am now and why I'm proud of me and my results and why I'll keep pressing forward:

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 5 out of 10

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The Results Are In!!!! Day 30 Pics!

Larry Filed Under:
Okay, so day 28 pics, technically, but hey, I started on a Friday, I wanted to take pics on a Friday! Today begins recovery week, and I'll be back later with a review, but I had to share pics:

It melted the fat off and I see a lot more definition in me now! I'll DEFINITELY be going back in for another month of Insanity after month two is over! Wowser!

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In Review - Insanity Day 26

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Tomorrow's Workout: Rest Day
Date of today's workout: Wednesday, August 6, 2009
Duration: About 45 minutes
Type: Plyometrics & Intense Cardio

Wow. The last time I'll ever have to see Mr. Plyo Cardio Circuit again! I can't say that I'm sad to see him go! Pack your bags up and leave, don't you dare come running back to me!

Since it was the last go around for plyo, I said, "What the heck? I'll give it 110%!" Had I known that'd I'd be reduced to a puddle of muscular goo on the floor last night, I might have reconsidered giving 110%! LOL! That extra 10% was almost the death of me. I was sure that when I collapsed on the floor after the height of the plank work that I PUSHED THROUGH, I'd awaken at the feet of God. I was sure I died! So, either I'm dead and am typing this from the beyond (::insert ghost sounds here::) or I made it through, and chances are you will too!

Insanitometer Rating: 7 out of 10.

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In Review- Insanity Day 25

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
Tomorrow's Workout: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Date of today's workout: Tuesday August 4, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Intense Cardio; Abs

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to make you better!"

I certainly understand this mantra now. Over the past month, I've felt like giving up on Insanity mid-workout sometimes, only to have my vanity kick in overdrive and keep me pressing forward like a madman! I'm so happy that it has kept me driving forward!

This is honestly the first workout I've done where I haven't given myself undue or unearned rest days simply because "I wasn't feeling it" (meaning, I just didn't feel like doing the workout that day). I've stuck to the Insanity regimen, and it's paid off! My cardio recovery time is amazing and my stamina and endurance have both increased TREMENDOUSLY. I'm honestly impressed. What amazes me more is that I still sweat about the same as I did the very first time I did this workout.

I've grown accustomed to Level 2 drills, and honestly, I hope they follow me to month 2 of Insanity. The results I've gotten so far have been ASTOUNDING and I'm noticing that clothes I bought just a few weeks ago fit much differently now than when I first bought them! Insanity is doing great things!

The workout, however, did not get any EASIER by far, just my cardio recovery time has improved, so the Insanitometer will not move.

Insanitometer for Pure Cardio: 7.5 out of 10
Insanitometer for Cardio Abs: 6 out of 10

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 8 out of 10

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Beachbody Fitness Event!!!

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Looking to lose weight and get in shape?

What about recession proofing your job in these tough economic times?

If your answer was yes to either of these questions, then join us on Saturday, August 29, 2009 from 9:30-11:30 and again at 12:30-3 p.m. at the Kissel Center for a day of fun, fitness, contest and prizes, hosted by Beachbody coaches! Beachbody is the leader in fitness and weight loss, responsible for such programs as Turbo Jam, P90X, and Hip Hop Abs.

Learn how you can turn your fitness into a business!

Come join us and learn how you too can take the next step to taking your health back into your hands and gain financial indpendence while doing so! For more details contact us at (812) 204-3336 or (812) 459-4898.

Space is limited to reserve your spot to RSVP now!

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In Review - Insanity Day 24

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Cardio Recovery
Tomorrow's Workout: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
Date of today's workout: Monday, August 3, 2009
Duration: About 35 minutes
Type: Flexibility & Yoga

I love that ethereal feeling you get post-yoga. Feels like you're gently walking on clouds--gliding really. I'm not near as sore as I was when I first began Insanity (although I still am sore in my glutes from digging deeper each workout), but this workout is definitely well placed. I was tight in places where I didn't expect.

It really limbered me up, and after a late dinner (steamed veggies and a steak--HEY HEY NOW!!! It was LEAN!) all I want to do is go to bed. In fact, I'm going to indulge myself, so this blog won't be excessively long.

I can say confidently that no matter what you're doing or where you are in Insanity, YOU SHOULD NEVER SKIP THIS WORKOUT. Strength and flexibility are the two things that most people neglect and it's an essential component to your overall development. It perfects your form, makes you less prone to injury, and treats your body to some low impact movement after putting such a stress on it throughout the rest of the week. Don't skip it guys!

Insanitometer Rating: 3 out of 10.

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In Review - Insanity Day 23

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Tomorrow's Workout: Cardio Recovery
Date of today's workout: Sunday, August 2, 2009
Duration: About 45 minutes
Type: Plyometrics & Intense Cardio

Allow me to say that I still hate this workout. Period. It seems to be a consensus across the board that no one really cares for this workout.

Is it because it's the most challenging so far? Possibly. Is it because it's a tad more repetitive than the others? Maybe. Is it because it kicks my butt every single time? Most definitely!

Good news is that I'm able to make it through the warmup without having to take a break; the bad news is that immediately after the warmup I had to take a break, not to breathlessness or tiredness, but because I wear those darn shoe inserts (I have no arch in either of my feet) and my feet begin hurting a bit if I don't take a bit of time and stretch them out right after.

Otherwise, I think I'd still have the IRS randomly knock at my door to endure this workout. I'm happy that there's only one more of these on the calendar. I'd say I'm happy to be rid of it, but I don't preview workouts ahead of time (I like the surprise) but I'm sure there's a workout next month that will have my crying and pleading for Plyo Cardio. Only time will tell.

Insanitometer Rating: 7 out of 10.

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In Review - Insanity Day 22

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Cardio Power & Resistance
Tomorrow's Workout: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Date of today's workout: Saturday, August 1, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Intense Cardio & Strength

This will not be a long blog, I assure you, for two reasons: 1) I'm saving this as I type it in Windows Notepad because it's been my luck that I've tried to post to my blog, and I get the dreaded, "Page cannot be displayed" error and 2) my arms feel like jello!

...Well, not so much my arms as much as ALL of me! Shaun definitely works you and if you seriously dig down and push to your max, you'll get a killer workout every time. I did just that today! Level 2 drills, after a minute non-stop, are really exhausting! So I actually, instead of sitting out, modified a bit--REALLY held my core in tight and did the pushup portion on my knees for a couple of sets. I got the same burn, which was amazing. When I was ready to go back in, and my body wasn't slowly shutting down, I went right back into it.

Other than that, no huge change, other than I'm noticing that the workouts are gradually getting easier. Figures, right? Nearing the end of week 4 and about to go into the REALLY insane stuff just in a week.

Pray for me. LOL! Notice the insanitometer this week holding steady.

Insanitometer Rating: 7 out of 10.

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Larry Filed Under:
Internet service is going wacko.

Three updates to come tomorrow. I'd be surprised if this posts, honestly. Don't want to attempt posting blogs only to lose everything when I hit "submit." I apologize, guys!

~ Larry.

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In Review - Insanity Day 21

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
Tomorrow's Workout: Cardio Power & Resistance
Date of today's workout: Friday, July 31, 2009
Duration: About 40 minutes
Type: Intense Cardio


My apologies for the late posts; I've indeed been logging the workouts, but I haven't been able to sign into my account for whatever reason. Maybe blogger was down for maintenance? Who knows?

That aside, I feel the arrogance and cockiness arising day by day! I mean, I walk past the mirror and I'm seeing muscles and definition I'd NEVER seen before! I mean, 21 short days ago, I didn't think I'd be CONSISTENLY seeing abs and definition without having to flex for them, so excuse me for a second while I rejoice!

Tonight was pretty standard; got enough water throughout the day and enough to eat, and I knocked this out. The workout is getting far easier and I'm honestly beginning to sweat less during the Pure Cardio portion. I realized, however, that Month 1 of Insanity is simply a foundational month--a month whereby one increases his endurance and cardiovascular recovery threshold so that in month two you can see AMAZING results.

If month two is anything like this month, I'm in for a treat and a touch more of slow, painful, breathless death! During cardio abs tonight I went ahead on the C-sit position and took my hands off the floor when they're supposed to be by your glutes and got the most fantastic ab burn! Call me sadistic, but I enjoyed it!

I won't change the Insanitometer on either workout just yet, but I'm half tempted to walk it down to 7 from 7.5 on the Pure Cardio portion.

Insanitometer for Pure Cardio: 7.5 out of 10
Insanitometer for Cardio Abs: 6 out of 10

Overall Insanitometer Rating: 8 out of 10

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In Review - Insanity Day 20

Larry Filed Under: Labels: , , , , , , , , ,
Today's Workout Description: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Tomorrow's Workout: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
Date of today's workout: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Duration: About 45 minutes
Type: Plyometrics & Intense Cardio

Again, hard work day = less water intake = harder workout.

You'd figure that I'd learned my lesson from the first time I had this issue, oddly enough on Plyo Cardio Circuit. But did I learn a lesson? NOOOOOOOOOO! I sure didn't! I let the impact of the work day outweigh my necessity for hydration, so by the time I started a late-night session of Plyo Cardio, I'd only had 36 ounces of water for the day! Needless to say that during Plyo Cardio, I went thru 36 more ounces, and immediately after, 22 more ounces! My body was screaming for it!

I will say that at least it's getting much easier and that's saying a lot! What's causing breaks now is not the inability to catch breath, it's the genuine muscle burn I'm getting from everything from my calfs all the way up to my chest! I will say that I walked past the mirror today and stopped amazed! I have abs now without having to flex. My body is TONED now and I don't have to FLEX for it. So I've been walking around shirtless all day--don't look at me like that, YES, I was off work today! Hahaha! Hey, I worked hard and I'm proud! Who would have thought that nearly a year ago when starting P90X that I'd be in this good of shape attempting possibly the hardest workout program put on DVD?!

Insanitometer Rating: 7 out of 10.

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